haayy i feel so sad sad sad :(
i never thought this will happen, for so many years that we survived.. then all will end up like this, I'm still hoping i can forgive and just forget.. But whenever i think of it, i felt a little bit scared that you will just hurt me again, not physically but verbally..
when you were telling me things, i felt so stupid that i revolve my world around you, i base all my decisions in your convenience, i forget all about the things I should be doing then after all of that i will just hear all those words..
all along i thought its all Ok, but then again you just explore like a bomb, vomiting all the words you've been meaning to say all these weeks :'(.. i should have known, i should have ready myself :(
i promise myself na titiisin na kita and it is very hard, hard as hell.. im missing you terribly but i must do this.. i need to find myself and learn from it :(
i love you but good bye for now..