me talks about, life, love, adventure and misadventure and evrything about me
Wednesday, 30 April 2008
soo excited!! yet...
but i wonder who will picked me up at the airport, nanay and dadi will be very busy because of the occasion in manila "todos los santos" haaayy anyway, kuya marlon will always be a raliable one.. im so excited n talaga..
Sunday, 27 April 2008
miSsinG hOme..
thats what i miss back home, the birthdays get together, small family party, outings, over nights, road trips.. i miss my aunts that always treat us for something and my little cousins whom i play with and my nieces and nephews.. aaayy but like pam said "dont worry ate lapit kn uwi" yeah right but 6 months is still six months.. 6 pay days, 24 weeks, 168 days and 4,032 hours and 241,920 minutes... still a long time.. haaayy
i miss everyone na, lifestyle, friends, family, the street, the corners.. evrything!! but anyway.. ill have to make the best out of 6 months.. so see you all in 24 weeks, 4,032 hours and 241,920 minutes..
love you all and missing you much!
ingGit K laNg..
the other day somebody relay on me that a so-called friend tells that "im MagAstos, Thats y I cOuldNt save" ... oh i see!! so here i can tell them.. "im spending my own earnings and at least i dont have to borrow just to buy what i want".. maybe they just envy me and couldnt say anything good..
my lifestyle is just simple and i just buy what i can afford and at least with my small salary i still can save even a little.. i spend most of my money now with foods and fon cards.. nothing else cause as much as possible i want to save and go else where before i finally go home for good..
so with the big mouths, make it smaller and think a hundred times before you open it..
Saturday, 26 April 2008
bReaKing uP
personally im a bit liberated as glenn tells me when it comes to that, when something wrong happened between the two of us, i do my part in saving it and make up for the lost time, in some situation i lower my pride but not to the extent of begging, for me kasi when i knew na ive done my part and nothing happened i just let it go.. i should respect myself first and still leave a litle love for myself.. and letting go doest mean na you stop loving the person its just you need to rebuild your life back, pick up the pieces and return your dignity that you lost along the way fighting for the man who once own your heart..
but i know its hard but you need to move on and be open to what comes ahead, dont completely shut your heart, it just needs sometime to heal.. para one day when you see each other again, youre alright na and you can face him with lots of confidence and not with bitterness..
Thursday, 24 April 2008
haPPy biRthday ate jen!!
frOm heAvy weIght 2 liGhT weiGth

Wednesday, 23 April 2008
broken friendship..
Tuesday, 22 April 2008
last week round up..
- last week (april 14-20) was a quite busy week for me, got lots of duty, and i was surprised that they added another 12 hours of duty at manor and thanks to ate ethel kc she gave me extra hours in her work place.. yehey! thank you..
- after sunday night duty i headed for another job, (cleeaning) thanks God its not as hard as it may sound. i was dead tired in the afternoon so, i went to bed as soon as i got home.
- tuesday was a school day, nothing much happened really. i had an early night.
- wednesday i got an early duty at marwa and dinner with friends, sarap tinola!
- thursday and fri.. pahinga at pahinga.. not a good weather so i opted to stay in my crib and just watch dvd,tfc till i drop.
- weekends are busy as well, 3 night duty in a row and very tiring, every night we got a situation that needs monitoring.
there you go my busy and not so busy week. im happy and thankful that i got lots work shifts.. yipee, my pambayad n me ng house! : )
Sunday, 20 April 2008
Is it her genes? Oldest known person turns 115 today

By RICK CALLAHAN, Associated Press WriterFri Apr 18, 7:24 PM ET
Maybe it was a lifetime of chores on the family farm that accounts for Edna Parker's long life. Or maybe just good genes explain why the world's oldest known person will turn 115 on Sunday, defying staggering odds.
Scientists who study longevity hope Parker and others who live to 110 or beyond — they're called supercentenarians — can help solve the mystery of extreme longevity.
"We don't know why she's lived so long," said Don Parker, her 59-year-old grandson. "But she's never been a worrier and she's always been a thin person, so maybe that has something to do with it."
On Friday, Edna Parker laughed and smiled as relatives and guests released 115 balloons into sunny skies outside her nursing home. Dressed in pearls, a blue and white polka dot dress and new white shoes, she clutched a red rose during the festivities.
Two years ago, researchers from the New England Centenarian Study at Boston University took a blood sample from Parker for the group's DNA database of supercentenarians.
Her DNA is now preserved with samples of about 100 other people who made the 110-year milestone and whose genes are being analyzed, said Dr. Tom Perls, an aging specialist who directs the project.
"They're really our best bet for finding the elusive Holy Grail of our field — which are these longevity-enabling genes," he said.
Only 75 living people — 64 women and 11 men — are 110 or older, according to the Gerontology Research Group of Inglewood, Calif., which verifies reports of extreme ages.
Parker, who was born April 20, 1893, was recognized by Guinness World Records as the oldest of that group last August after the death of a Japanese woman four months her senior.
A widow since her husband, Earl, died in 1938 of a heart attack, Parker lived alone in their farmhouse until age 100, when she moved into her son Clifford's home. She cheated death a few months later.
One winter night, Clifford and his wife returned home from a high school basketball game to find her missing. Don, their son, says he discovered his grandmother in the snowy darkness near the farm's apple orchard. He scooped up her rigid body and rushed back to the house.
"She was stiff as a 2-by-4. We really thought that was the end of her," he said.
But Parker recovered fully, suffering only frostbitten fingertips.
Fifteen years later, her room at the Heritage House Convalescent Center in Shelbyville, Ind., about 25 miles southeast of Indianapolis, is adorned with teddy bears and photos of her five grandchildren, 13 great-grandchildren and 13 great-great grandchildren. She's outlived her two sons, Clifford and Earl Jr.
During a visit this week, Parker was captivated by a new album of photos and documents from her life that Don's wife, Charlene, had assembled.
"That's the boys," she said hoarsely, tapping a photo of her two late sons in their youth. "Clifford and Junior."
Her two sisters also are deceased. Georgia lived to be 99, while her sister Opal was 88 when she died.
Parker's long-lived sisters are typical of other centenarians, according to Dr. Nir Barzilai, director of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine's Institute for Aging Research in New York. Nearly all of them have a sister, mother or other relative who lived a long life, he said.
"Longevity is in the family history," Barzilai said.
He and other scientists have found several genetic mutations in centenarians that may play a role in either slowing the aging process or boosting resistance to age-related diseases.
Perls said the secret to a long life is now believed to be a mix of genetics and environmental factors such as health habits. He said his research on about 1,500 centenarians hints at another factor that may protect people from illnesses such as heart attacks and stroke — they appear not to dwell on stressful events.
"They seem to manage their stress better than the rest of us," he said.
Saturday, 19 April 2008
-as friends, in SM Mla, in front of national bookstore and he's late.
*how about in being a couple?
-same venue, but we met 7 days after we become a couple.
*when did you become an item?
-october 2 2002
*how long you've been together?
-5 years 6 months 2 weeks and 3 days
*are you happy?
-very much, i cant ask for someone else.
*any plans of tying the knot?
-it has been talk a few times but no definite or solid plan yet, but we're considering 2010.
*where is He now?
-he's currently working in riyadh as aircraft mechanic.
*miss him?
-if i only could pull the time.
*how would you describe Him?
-glenn is a listener, loner and emotional, He's not showy so sometimes you'll be doubtfull about him but when he tell you something its very intense and you'll just feel all the love inside him.
he got so many plans and he's working hard for that.
*how about you, how would you describe yourself?
-sometimes im more of a pessimistic than optimistic. im on my lowest point at this time but im trying to rebuild my life back, i know im on a situation but i also know im still safe because i still can talk about it, i have this grudges against some persons that i consider them as a friend. so many things to say but i know one of this day ill be fine.
*are you content about your life as a whole?
-definitely i am, we cannot avoid some circumstances but i am happy and perfectly fine in what is happening with me right now. im happy that im experiencing all of this and it has a lot to do with who i am now and with my perception in life. im thakfull for all the friends and loveones who supported me.
*any regrets?
-nope. evrything happened for some reason or another and God is with us all the way.
*anything you want to say to your partner?
-thanks for all the advice, help and for simply being there.. i cannot get through with all of these without your loving words and patience in listening with me.. stay the same and ill see you soon! ako lng mahal mo!! mwaaahh love you much!
Friday, 18 April 2008
lets see what each word mean:
friend-a person with whom one has a bond of mutual afection, an ally, a familiar or helpfull thing.
ship-a large boat for transporting people. It is a large vessel that floats on water.
So i come to a conclusion that are friends is the one saves us, transport us away from the dark side of the sea, the one who keep us floating from the flood of problems and from the sea of temptations..
so to all my friends, happy sailing and keep safe always! keep floating!
Thursday, 17 April 2008
my heart is longing
my heart wants something
i tried to explain
but still you complain
i dont know what to say
i show my cards and lay
i will stay
but please dont play
i love you
i hate you
i miss you
unlimited photo

Tuesday, 15 April 2008
boring but very much loving..
anyway, i was a bit irritated when his voice is like that very low and sleepy, i feel that he didnt want to talk to me anymore and wanted to hang up.he,he i never get use to it i wanted him to talk to me in his very lively and high spirited voice rather than in his inactive voice.. when my phone card run out i was very sad and wanted to talk to him more but i dont have a reserve one, so i just texted hi that i dont have a card and he can go to sleep now. you know what he said??
"dont worry mahal, kahit boring akong kausap mahal n mahal kita"
korni no, pero i believe that! hehe, He always made me smile eventhough how cross i am..
today's horoscope
"Try not to resent someone who seems to be getting ahead faster than you at the moment, even if you feel that you've been working harder at the same thing for longer than they have. your time will come to pursue your goals with your characteristic diligence and flair."
For the first time in my life i believe in horoscope, this one really suit at the current situation i am now. I am convinced that there are a lot of good reasons why all this things are happening with me. i still dont loose my faith, and this is the time im holding really tight.! : D
work work to survive..
Thursday, 10 April 2008
im cool!
Your Depression Level: 20% |
![]() Like everyone else, you have ups and downs. But unlike most people, you've mastered keeping your mood stable. |
i had to take this test and answer honestly to let me know if im suffering from any deppression or not.. at least i know im not! cheers to that! i need to keep things going and move on!
happy birthday big ben.

The bell was cast at Whitechapel foundry on April 10 1858 and was first rung in the Great Westminster Clock on May 31 the following year.
A century and a half later, the Whitechapel Bell Foundry is still there and celebrations have been held for the famous bell.
Proposals for the famous landmark were first decided in 1844 - just a year after a fire engulfed the Houses of Parliament.
The requirements were simple the first stroke should register the time correct to within one second and the hour bell should weigh 14 tonnes.
According to the sales ledger the cost of the bell was £572.
It took 20 minutes to fill the bell mould with molten metal and 20 days for the metal to solidify and cool.
Then it was tested to make sure it chimed at the right tone, a practice that is as important as it was 150 years ago.
The name for the bell tower was debated in Parliament with many suggestions being made but the winning title was named after Sir Benjamin Hall.
story copied from YAHOO news.
missin home..

miss my mom as well and my my makukulit n pamangkins! ill be seeing you soon guys! love you much!
moving on!
Just this morning i realize and tried to analize what's wrong with me, of course nobody can help me but myself, so i kept thinking how a day in my life is going and figure out that i havent done any task that i should be doing if i wanted to try another career. i just wasted the past few days of off, watching movie, surfing the net, eating and etc. now my list of things to do is getting longer and longer.
So tonight, ive listed the important things that should be accomplish in a matter of time and ive come up with this:
- Strict DIET, i cant eat anything but i have to do some work-out. (jogging, walking, sit-ups & etc) dicipline is the key!
- more WATER, less COKE! less sugar, lessen the risk of having diabetis and cancer.
- SLEEP early and WAKE-UP early! sleep is very impt.!
- LISTEN to spanish cd if want to try another career!
- SAVE more,spend LESS. if i want to travel i should something to spend.
i need to learn to follow my own rule if i wanted to succeed and try another career, nobody can help me but ME. i dont need to feel any depression right now or being alone. i need to be strong for myself and keep on moving. good luck to me!
Wednesday, 9 April 2008
sickly days..
- last saturday i woke up as if something is in my throat, so i didnt come to school, eventhough i got exams
- sunday, heavy snow falls around england, i played some in the park with ate mers and galiye.
- monday, i was knocked out after work. didnt do much i dont feel very well.
- tuesday, i was off again from school because im not feeling well, quite unlucky day. because we bumped with all the people we're hiding from.its quite a laugh. *is that what you call karma?* (lol)
- wednesday, i woke up wondering that ursula took my voice *i cant even sing* (LOL) no voice coming out from my mouth.. i feel stupid when somebody is talking to me and i cant even reply.hehe! i resigned from my other work. *what a relief?!*
Note: big thanks to ate mers for taking care of me and giving me her medine *an orange one*
Tuesday, 8 April 2008
i love my bb much!

He's a Great Boyfriend |
![]() You guy definitely loves you and knows how to treat you right. You have a five star boyfriend - so make sure you treat him right too! |
honestly Glenn is the best, very sweet, caring and He takes good care of me! LOVEYOU MUCH Darling! (wala lang sa hitsura pero im lucky to have him!)
i am a friend!
You Are a Good Friend Because You're Supportive |
![]() You give them help when they need it... but you also know when to give them a push. People tend to rely on you for moral support and advice. You've probably always been mature for your age, so this is a role that's you're comfortable with. A friend like you is one of the rarest kinds. You are both a good mentor and companion. Your friends need you most when: They are confused or worried You really can't be friends with: Someone who only wants to complain Your friendship quote: "The only way to have a friend is to be one." |
Monday, 7 April 2008
i hate the place i use to loved..

new friendships built, strong ones and just civil one. but unfortunately everything has come to an end, one by one people go, they resigned, they get married, they found a new job, management become worse, job become more difficult than it seems, the world that means to me has shattered. oh! i miss the old times guys! maybe one day we all meet again.. thanks for the friendships, the memories and everything that you helped in me..
Sunday, 6 April 2008
its snowing!
my colour
Your Power Color Is Teal |
![]() At Your Highest: You feel accomplished and optimistic about the future. At Your Lowest: You feel in a slump and lack creativity. In Love: You tend to be many people's ideal partner. How You're Attractive: You make people feel confident and accepted. Your Eternal Question: "What Impression Am I Giving?" |
Saturday, 5 April 2008
im romantic!
You Are A Romantic |
![]() You life your life like a fairy tale... or at least you try to. Living for magical moments, you believe there's only one true love for you. Love is the most important thing in your life, and you don't take it for granted. Your perfect match loves to be in love as much as you do! |
You Are Scooter |
![]() You're always willing to lend a helping hand. In any big event or party, you're the one who keeps things going. "15 seconds to showtime!" |
Friday, 4 April 2008
spring is here!

its been a tiring but fun day for us, ate Lorna's havent been for quite a long time and its daughter lorlaine, first taste of london and gali is always excited about the city, sadly ate mers is not feeling well due to sleepless nights *becoz she done two consecutive night duty* and ate page and kuya fhod is are ever loving tour guide!
- ate mers and i had a practice exam in school and all of them was visiting shops.
- we had a lunch in a filipino eat all you like restaurant.
- bought some food in the filipino store.
- stay in the park near London eye, for the kids to play a little
- get on th etrain at seven thirtyish.
- come home around nine
- its a bit cold when we get out from the train, and im only wearing a flipflops.
i had a great tym.. see all at work and next sched would be at the end of the month at sagot ni te Lorna!! *yehey*
45 things about me
♥♥ a little.. in the omelet and sa burger
2. Have you ever smoked?
♥♥ just a try, but it doesnt suit my personality.
3. are you a chainsmoker/changesmoker?
♥♥ n/a
4. Your favorite song(s)?
♥♥ amazed by lonestar
5. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments?
♥♥ not really
6. What do you think of hotdogs?
♥♥ juicylicious!
7. Favorite Christmas song?
♥♥ give love on christmas day! and pasko n sinta ko. its been 2 xmas that glenn and i are not together.
8. What do you prefer to drink inthe morning.
♥♥ coffee or milo
9. Can you do push ups?
♥♥ nope!
10. Favorite super-hero?
♥♥ Spiderman
11. What's your favorite piece ofjewelry?
♥♥ watch, i feel beautiful everytime im wearing one
12. Favorite hobby?
♥♥ internet, dvd movies
13. Secret weapon to get the oppositesex?
♥♥ my smile *i guess
14. blank!
♥♥ web break..
15. What's one trait you hate aboutyourself?
♥♥ cry baby and magastos!
16. Middle Name?
♥♥ Lar*n
17. Name 3 thoughts at this exactmoment.
♥♥ 1)im so full!
2)im not well, my throat is hurting!
3)should i come to school tom?
18. Name 3 things you bought yesterday?
♥♥ 1)nothing. i got up late and i work in the afternoon.
19. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink?-
♥♥ coffee/milo ♥♥ water ♥♥ diet coke
20. Current worry right now?
♥♥ i cant come to school tom. im not well
21. Current hate?
♥♥ ung intrimitidang nepali gurl sa KFC
22. Favorite place?
♥♥ aside from my bed, london bridge!
23. How will you bring in the New Year?
♥♥ with a bang and next year i'll be spending it with my whole family *so excited!
24. Where would you like to go?
♥♥ Paris, France
25. Name three people who will completeyour day?
♥♥ 1.) Glenn 2.) nay & tay 3.) friends and kids
26. Do you own doll shoes?
♥♥ yes! i use at work
27. What color of shirt are youwearing?
♥♥ pale yellow
29. Can you whistle?
♥♥ yap like a man if you want
30. Favorite color/s?
♥♥ pink,blue, white and green
31. Would you like to be a pirate?
♥♥ if theres a chance why not, for a change ill try some thinkg unusual
32. What songs do you sing in the shower room?
♥♥ it differs, depends on my current mood
33. Favorite girl's name?
♥♥ aside from my name..alegra
34. Favorite boy's name?
♥♥ aside from glenn, mark
35. What's in your pocket right now?
♥♥ im on my pyjamas so, i dont have a pocket, but usually my rosary
36. Last thing that made you laugh?
♥♥ ate lorna.. i love her!
37. best bed sheets as a child?
♥♥ snoopy!
38. Worst injury you've ever had?
♥♥ i got a long abrasions in my R knee till my feet, its a fall from the stairs
39. Do you love where you live?
♥♥ most of the time yes..
40. How many computers do you have inthe house?
♥♥ a laptop
41. Who is your loudest friend?
♥♥ ate may! (lol) she'll tell you what she wants as long as she knows shes right.
42. How many dogs do you have?
♥♥ troodon and kids and tsutsu
43. Does someone have a crush on you?
♥♥ i dont know really, im not interested
45. What is your favorite book?
♥♥ the notebook, the wedding and geisha
enough is ENOUGH!
Thursday, 3 April 2008
its complicated..
Wednesday, 2 April 2008
sharing my thoughts.
anyway, i really dont know what i want now. Therefor ill stay here till my visa ends and figure it out.
-end of story!
some odd things about me
- i dont eat chocolates, spicy or anything complicated, complicated i mean, with mayo, corn, salads, or anything with milk if im going out. otherwise i will for toilet *pardon me* likewise if im out.
- i dont easily throw things, i kept them till i forgot about it. hangang maging basura na.
- i tend to put so much water when i cook.. i kinda like it soupy!
- im anti-social..i am so shy and always afraid being with the crowna nd especially in front of them, i feel that i will do something wrong and get humiliated. im alright if im with a friend or somebody i know.
- i always hold into some things, to ease the nervous im feelin! even if im just walking i need something to hold into.
- i tend to walk around at the workplace before i start workin! i tend to look for so many things that sometimes i dont even know what im looking.
- i drink black coffee, im a diet coke addict and with so much caffeine in my body, still ,i can easily sleep.
- im a cry baby and always selfpitying.. hat can i do im quite sensitive when somebody is understimating me
- im always concious and careful not to hurt somebody's feelings.
my desk..

but since it it was small for evrything i need, my floor is the extension ..hehe